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Family Time in Georgia, 2016
by April Henry

After our stop in Woodstock (when we took our Featherweight Maintenance Workshop Tour in 2016) we spent several days with Uncle Charley and Aunt Sandy in Georgia.  We love them dearly and all of us enjoy just listening to their darling southern accents -- with "darlin'" and "sho'nough" being the special words we will forever remember as their terms of endearment.  All of us enjoy antique shopping and collecting together and so sharing several days in Dawsonville was a time we will always cherish.

Our time with them just happened to fall during the time of Carmon's birthday, so Aunt Sandy made sure there was a chocolate cake all ready for us to celebrate!

Uncle Charley has a 50's Diner in their basement and he and Christian played pool for hours and hours!

Then, of course, there was the fun time in the pool!

We were all fascinated by the bright red cardinals.  The kids and I had never seen one in real life before and there were hundreds of them in the trees out back.  They were gorgeous!  I so wish we had cardinals in Idaho!

After our visit and on our way to Nashville, Tennessee, we took a slight detour and went to the Lane Motor Museum.  We were the only ones there and meandered through, taking our time looking at each and every unique vehicle.  Some looked like they were straight out of the show, Foyle's War - it was great!  We even found an "Aprilia" car!

Antique Aprilia Car

A 1945 Lancia Aprilia

Next workshop stop..... Nashville, Tennessee!

